Part 66: 09/11/09 - 09/16/09: Chaos Theory
We'll pick up right where we left off, and that means... Rio, today? Yeah, Rio.
> The other club members are awkwardly trailing behind her...

I heard you all got into a fight? I can't have this kind of thing going on in my club, you know?

Who started it? Just hurry up and apologize already.

> Rio falls silent and stares at her feet...
> It seems that she can't bring herself to look at Ms. Kanou...
Short-Haired: But I do think our attitudes did make things worse.

Glasses: I feel like I said too much to you, after we forced you to be our club leader and all...

...U-Um... I also...
> Ms. Kanou leaves...
> Everyone is standing around quietly. It's an awkward moment...


You can do it, Rio.


Um... I'm sorry, everyone. Things were said that shouldn't have been.

But more importantly than what happened that day, I feel like I've been forcing my opinions on you all this time...
Glasses: Rio...

We're supposed to be a team... ...Sorry.
Short-Haired: ...Have you, like, changed?

...You think so?

> Rio looks in the direction that Ms. Kanou left...

I'm sorry that I said things like relationships were stupid. I didn't understand what I was talking about.
Short-Haired: Wait, WHAT!?
> Her yell of surprise pierces your eardrums...
Glasses: You're in love!?
Buns: Are you serious!?

Is it that hard to believe...?
Short-Haired: Wait, who's this about!? Is he at this school!?

Short-Haired: Kotone, you know who it is, right? Tell us!

I have no idea.

Buns: You totally know, don't you!
> The other members pester you for more information...

I-I'll say it!

> Rio turns bright red...
Yuko's response being absolute confusion and surprise is perfect.

Y-Yuko!? When did you get here...!?
Buns: I mean, KENJI!? Seriously, no way! How in the world did you end up liking Kenji!?
Also this. This is very accurate.
> The gym is filled with girlish screams of disbelief.
Short-Haired: Still, getting him to love you would be pretty simple.

I bet all Rio would have to do is push him around a little.

I-It's okay! I'm not pushing anyone! Or saying anything!

...I don't want to do anything to hurt the relationship I have with him right now!

We're childhood friends... As long as we stay that way, we'll never have to break up.
Anything that involves less Kenji in someone's life is the right option to take, to be fair.

Well... If that's how you feel, then it's none of my business to say otherwise...


Hey, as long as we're all here... Why don't we practice?

Are you sure you're okay?


C'mon, let's start off with some running!
> Rio laughs...

> The other club members have returned, and it seems that the bonds betweem them will grow much stronger.
> You sense that Rio has overcome a personal obstacle...
> After wrapping up practice with everyone, you decide to return to the dorm.
It's honestly still really weird have Rio's link focus so heavily on Kenji of all people. I'unno.

Anyway, let's forget that and hangout with someone infinitely more likable than Kenji could even pretend to be.
Warm Feeling

Those guys eat on their own, right? Well... Are they doing okay?

What do you mean, 'okay'...?

Your body's your most important tool.

Still, all those guys ever eat is instant noodles and stuff like that.
> Shinjiro is sighing...

So, I guess it might be better if they eat what makes them happy.


You're so kind-hearted.

...Don't be stupid.

If you get the chance, let them know.

Tell 'em they need to eat better.

They won't listen if it comes from me. Especially Aki...
> You can sense Shinjiro's serious feelings towards fighting and the other members of the group...
> You feel like you understand Shinjiro a little better now...
> Under Shinjiro's harsh stare, you made sure to clean your plate.
> You and Shinjiro went back to the dorm.
Nothing too much this time. Just a nice and short scene. Don't worry, there's a reason why Shinji's link is the best...

Anyway, next is Fuuka I guess. She, uh, already managed to not completely mess up in the kitchen so... progress?

This is the only thing I can make myself, so I want to master making them.

What are you going to make, Kotone-chan?
Doesn't matter; we just get 2 of a thing from before again.


> The rice cooker that Fuuka is holding is filled to the brim with rice.
> ...But the consistency of the rice is more like porridge...

Did I put too much water in...?
...Goddammit. How hard is it to write a link that is not "girl can't cook"?

I just tried to make rice, and I ruined it all...

What a waste...

Seriously... I'm hopeless at everything...

Just try harder next time.



But what should I do with this...? It's so much rice... It would be such a shame to waste it all.

It's rice porridge now.

...Oh, that's right. It doesn't have to be made into rice balls...

*chuckle* I hadn't even thought of that.

Oh, you're right! We should just have rice porridge. I have a lot of pickled plums...

Here you go, this is your share.

Thanks for the food.


*giggle* This is good rice porridge.

...Thank you.
> Fuuka is laughing cheerily...
> You feel like you've grown closer to Fuuka...

Oh, I should write that down somewhere...

Let's see... "Pay attention to the amount of water to use when cooking rice"...
When quantities of everything else matters, why would you think... agh, never mind.
> Fuuka is eagerly taking notes...
> You cleaned up the room together and headed back to the dorm...
If we really need to do something related to food, then I'd much rather it be with Shinji. Less awkward that way.
After School


Do you smell something?
> It smells like something is burning or irritating your nostrils...

Is it coming from over by the counter?
Yeah, so, Shinji's link gets kinda great because it also has actual scenes that include other people (that aren't Yuko making brief cameo appearances). This one isn't super great for that, but!


What're you doing?

Um... I was trying to make beef stroganoff...


What about the roux?

Oh, I didn't use any! I made it from scratch with flour...

Oh, you're right. This is burnt...

What should I do...?


You got any of those ingredients left?

Oh, yes. I bought extra everything...

...I'll make it. Watch and learn.

Shiomi... You okay if we have this for dinner?

Actually, I'm really happy!

Don't get your hopes up like that.

I-I'm sorry, Kotone-chan. Weren't you going to go out with Shinjiro-sempai...?

Hey, let's get started.

Oh, yes! Please!
> You decided to watch Shinjiro and Fuuka cook dinner.

How much oil did you use?

...How much red wine did you put in?

I don't know. I poured it from the bottle until it looked like enough...

...How long did you pour it, then?

Um... Two or three seconds.


Oh, yes. I asked the butcher for the best he had...


There's so much wrong here, I don't know where to begin...

The accidental perfection you get from the way we did today is great. Fuuka manages to mess up adding water to rice and then immediately afterwards opts to make something absurdly, significantly harder. And messes up every single thing. Because obviously.

Seriously... Don't you feel bad at all for charring all this food?

...I'm sorry.

Now listen up. Prepare everything beforehand.

That way, you won't panic while everything's cooking.

Y-Yes. Um, memo, memo...

Gotta cook the onions at low heat. They'll taste better if they're cooked until they just start to get burned.

Umm, "Onions need to be..."

Put that notepad down and watch me.

Here's the meat. When you put it in...
> Shinjiro's hands move swiftly and surely even while showing Fuuka the basic steps...
> ...The dish is ready.
> It looks like a picture taken directly from a cookbook...
Never pictured: food.
...I just want food porn a la TWEWY in this kinda scenario. Is that really so much to ask?

...Just shut it and eat up before it gets cold.

Thank you for the food!

> You took a bite.
> ...It's delicious.
> The taste brings back memories...

I feel so lucky...

Y-You're just exaggerating...

You're amazing, Shinjiro-sempai...

I mean, anyone could do something like...

No, they can't!

Please, teach me again! Promise!
> You ate it all...
> Fuuka insisted that she clean up, so you let her handle it.

Looks like she made me promise without letting me say anything...

Well... I guess I'll make something again later.

Make enough for everybody.

You mean treat them all to a dinner?

That's kind of pushing it...


Maybe it'll be okay to do one once in a while...
> Shinjiro didn't put up much of an argument to that idea...
> You feel like you're seeing another side of Shinjiro's personality...

I'm gonna go check up on Fuuka...
Immediately afterwards, we hear a plate shatter...

...Too late.
> You and Shinjiro helped Fuuka clean up, then you returned to your room...
We'll just take this opportunity to progress Rio's link just a teeny bit further. Hopefully it'll, y'know, not just flounder at Kenji for too long.


Oh... Sorry, what was that?
Glasses: Geez... You haven't been concentrating at all, Rio!

Huh...? S-Sorry...
Short-Haired: We're not getting anything done like this. ...I mean, if you're not gonna act like your normal self, this might be the worst club at this school.
Glasses: Look who's talking.

C-C'mon, don't fight...
Short-Haired: We're not fighting, you dope! Pay attention! It's because of Kenji, isn't it? You haven't gotten over him.

You mean... I should go tell him that I like him...?
> Rio glances towards you, confused...

We're here for you if he says no.

> Rio smiles, and looks ready to cry...


I feel like I'm stuck in one place...

And I can't move an inch...

I hate that about myself, too...

But I don't know what to do about it.


But it has to be better than where I am right now.

I'm sure it won't be as bad as drowning in these feelings I have...

I'm... gonna go tell him.

That's the spirit!

Yeah, I'll do my best!

Well then... I'll be back!
Short-Haired: Huh? You're going now?
> Rio darts off...
> The club members stand around, looking at each other...

...What's the matter?
> You told Yuko about the recent turn of events...

S-Seriously? ...You think she'll be okay?

Let's go see how she's doing.

> You all leave the gym to go find Rio...
> Rio and Kenji are talking to each other in the hall...
> ...You all decide to watch from behind the door.

Uh... like family?

Huh? Yeah?
Short-Haired: That guy's hopeless...

Hang in there, Rio...!

H-How much do you like me!?
> Yuko jumps out from behind the door!

Whoa, what the--!?
Short-Haired: You've got some nerve, Kenji!

Glasses: What the hell are you telling her!? I'm going to smack that goofy look off your face!

Haha, uhh... I-I've got some business to taKe care of! Ladies...
> Kenji runs away...

Seriously... That moron!

Ugh... Sorry. We were all worried about you! Try and cheer up.

But, sheesh! What the hell was that idiot thinking, comparing you to something like a bowl of noodles!?

No, you don't get it... Ramen is his favourite thing in the world.

No kidding...?

Geez... You dope!

Huh!? Why do you look like you're about to cry, Yuko?

I don't know!
> Rio laughs, and she looks much better now...
> It seems you were able to support Rio...
Short-Haired: Sounds like a plan. Tell you what, Rio: I'm buyin' you a milkshake.

Ahaha, awesome!
> You and the volleyball club enjoyed a meal at Wild-duck Burger, then you returned to the dorm...
Well, huh. I guess that got dealt with a little bit faster than I'd have expected. Just a little, though.

It's a pretty consistent thing that we're Shinji-ing at night, but the option is there so we'd be foolish to not do it.
Warm Feeling

I'd love to go.

Great, let's get moving.
> Is this really where Shinjiro wanted to go...?
Yeah, that's a bit of an unexpected place to pick.

Uh... What do you want?


Two coffees, please.
> Shinjiro ordered for you.

Ngh... *cough*


Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. It's not contagious or anything so don't worry.
> Shinjiro smiles wryly...

...It happens once in a while.

That's why I try not to come to these kinds of places that often.

Why did we come here today?

...I needed to buy something.

Do you drink coffee at the dorm?

...If I have any left over.


I'm... going to use it for cooking.

Hey, you're the one who brought it up. You said that stuff about treating the guys from the dorm...


I'll help out too.

No, it's all right.

It's just that, how do I put it...

...You won't be able to enjoy it if you help out.
> Shinjiro seems to be feeling a little awkward...

We'll do it once I decide on what I'm gonna serve.
> Shinjiro is laughing...
> You discussed the plans to treat your friends at the dorm to dinner...
> You feel your bond with Shinjiro has grown stronger...

They'll worry if you're out too late...
> You returned to the dorm with Shinjiro...
I do like how simple and yet efficient this whole thing is, to be honest. It also lets Shinji show significantly more personality than he has elsewhere in the entire game to date. Good job, Shinji.

Oh yeah, we should probably hang out with Yukari again soon. Today's as good a day as any!
Unlike Junpei's rank 10 scene, this one isn't voiced unfortunately. Dunno why, really. It'd make sense.

Oh, right... If you see any CDs or DVDs you're interested in, feel free to borrow them.

Hm... I don't think I've ever asked you this before. What kind of music do you like to listen to?
Oddly disappointing that anything even close to Lotus Juice isn't a viable option, all things considered. Oh well, I'll just be honest I guess.

I mainly listen to foreign music.

Ooh, that's kinda cool.

I don't have a lot of that here... Can I borrow some from you?
> You spent time chatting with Yukari...

This is for you...
> Yukari has given you a special gift.

You know what it is, right? It's the strap from my cell phone.

I got it at the opening ceremony for the Moonlight Bridge.

It's been my special keepsake for many years...
...Y'know, I really don't think I could take this then.


*giggle* You must think I'm nuts, huh?

But, as time passed... I stopped talking to it.

I figured out why...

The reason why I talked to my "little friend" was because I wanted something to hang onto.

I started feeling bad about that. I felt like I was using it as a tool to act like a damsel in distress.

That's why I want you to hold on to it... least until I stop running.

...Until I can go proudly to see my mom and the two of us can reminisce about my dad.
> Yukari has mustered up her courage and fully opened up to you...
> You sense that you share a strong bond with Yukari...
The Path is Open
Cybele's not super great, but there's a chance that we'll see her at some point anyway. She's level 68, so fusion'll put her at level 73... but that's not enough. She learns a very special and important skill at level 75, but is far from the only one to do so.
...Here, we can just buy a skill card for it from the Antique's store though. And it's really pretty easy to do even. Oh well, they tried!

...I wonder if I'll ever get married one day and become a mom myself.

I'm sure you will.

Mm... I think I'll look forward to that.
> Yukari is smiling...

Still, I think I'm gonna hold off on trying to score a boyfriend for a while.

There isn't anybody who catches my attention. Besides, it's more fun hanging out with you!

Girl talk's always more fun, too!

Come on, let's talk all night!
> You spent a long time together with Yukari.
So, let's see what Shinji has for us tonight. Probably just more prep work or something, but that'll be fine.
After School

You better not go anywhere, all right? Just be patient and wait about an hour.

...Tell the other guys that, too.

...What are you making?

Dinner. You're gonna eat too, right?
That is... such a dad answer.
> It seems that Shinjiro really is going to make dinner for everyone today.
> ...You decide to watch.

You remember what to do from here?

Yes! Um... I need to put oil in the frying pan!

That's right... Wait, what're you doing with the cooking wine?

I said olive oil. It's over here.

Umm, four tablespoons of oil... Right?
...How is that kinda mistake even possible?!

Ohhh... So that's what this thing is.
> It looks like they have a long way to go...

I'll help, too.

Nah, stay put. It's way too crowded over here. 'Sides, we're trying to keep it a secret.

I-I'm sorry, Kotone-chan. If only I was better at cooking...

Just hush up and watch what you're doing. A piece of eggshell just fell in there.

Huh? Oh, you're right. It's amazing that you noticed that, Sempai.

C'mon, I said to keep the egg white. Why is the yolk all by itself in the bowl?

Huh? When did that happen...?

H-He's teaching me right now!


Koromaru-san seems to be very anxious.
> The others also heard the fuss and came downstairs...

So Shinji's cooking...

...Will there be any leftovers?

Can't you tell?

...You're supposed to be a good friend and make larger servings when you cook in front of lots of people.
See, this scene absolutely definitely should've been a full scene. Alas, it's just part of an S.Link despite everything screaming otherwise. It'd even make sense to be fully voiced and everything but nope.


Do you mean...?

So, who's hungry!?

Me me!

Me me me!

Shut up and siddown...


He says that he is already seated.
> Everyone couldn't wait for the food, so they continued talking about the upcoming dinner while the two cooked...
> From time to time, Shinjiro would yell at you to all stop talking.
> Fuuka continued doing things in the kitchen...
> Two hours later...

Whoa... Is this some kind of party?
> Plates of various colors and sizes are all over the table...
> Tomato pasta, sweet-and-sour pork, fried chicken, paella, omelette with fried rice, and more...
Still not pictured: any kind of food at all.

Is Mitsuru-sempai in her room? I'll go get her!

Oh... and, Aki.

...Go get Ken, too. It's a little late, but he's probably still up...

...Got it.

On top of that, they're all made from scratch, too...
> Mitsuru and Ken came down as well...

What's... this all about? Did someone call a chef?

Huh...? Did Shinjiro-san make this?


...Everyone, sit.


Now, pick up your chopsticks...

Roger that!

...And dig in.


Thanks for the food!
> ...It's delicious!
> ...They're all delicious!

Oh man, I'm in heaven...

...What does that even mean?

*munch munch* *cough cough*

H-Here's some water!

...Huh? Aren't you going to eat, Ken-kun?

Oh... I-I'll have something.

...Thanks for the food...

> You all chatted your way through dinner and ate until you felt like you would burst...
> After everyone cleaned up...
> You and Shinjiro sat in the empty lounge and had some tea...
Warm Feeling
> Shinjiro laughs quietly for some reason...

It was a lot of fun.

Haha, is that so...

If you hadn't brought up the idea, I probably never would've done something like this.

It was so simple, and all I had to do was do it...
To be fair, sometimes the whole "doing it" part CAN be the most difficult even if its for something really easy. Pretty sure everyone learns that at some point.
> Shinjiro mutters to himself...
> Could this mean that... you gave him the courage to go through with this?
> You somehow feel that you're slowly getting closer to Shinjiro's inner feelings...

*sigh* Today really tired me out. I'm gonna go to bed.

You should head off to bed soon, too. ...'Night.
> You said goodnight to Shinjiro before heading to your room...
So, yeah, Shinji's link inexplicably gets one of the best scenes period. And it's super easily missed because it's technically optional. Go figure!